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Upgrade Django to 4.2

We maintain a list of 104 dependent packages and know exactly what to do with each one - whether they support 4.2 or don't, and whether there is a viable replacement.  

Do you really want to reinvent that wheel?

Imaginary specializes in quick
and cost-effective Django upgrades


Fill out this form to request a complimentary code review along with an upgrade estimate for your consideration.

Request Information

Python & Django Experts

We work almost exclusively on Python & Django projects.

More Than 25 Years of Experience

We have served the Django market for more than 25 years from our office in Chicago.

High Tech - High Touch

We build close relationships with our clients.  Many of which have worked with us exclusively for more than 10 years.

List of Django Dependencies Maintained

  • aldryn-search
  • authlog
  • bandit
  • beautifulsoup4
  • bs4
  • cmsplugin-filer
  • cms-workflow
  • deprecate_cmsplugin_filer
  • django-admin-sortable2
  • django-app-namespace-template-loader
  • django-auth-reports
  • django-backup
  • django-bitly
  • django-ckeditor-filebrowser-filer
  • django-cms
  • djangocms-admin-style
  • djangocms-attributes-field
  • djangocms-blog
  • djangocms-file
  • djangocms-history
  • djangocms-link
  • djangocms-picture
  • djangocms-snippet
  • djangocms-text-ckeditor
  • djangocms-video
  • django-colorfield
  • django-compressor
  • django-contrib-comments
  • django-debug-toolbar
  • django-el-pagination
  • django-embed-video
  • django-encrypted-model-fields
  • django-extensions
  • django-filer
  • django-localflavor
  • django-model-utils
  • django-mptt
  • django-nose
  • django-payflow
  • django-phonenumber-field
  • django-pure-pagination
  • django-recaptcha
  • django-recurrence
  • django-relatedadminwidget
  • django-reversion
  • django-robots
  • django-sekizai
  • django-select2
  • django-solo
  • django-sortedm2m
  • django-tagging
  • django-taggit
  • django-taggit-labels
  • django-tinymce
  • django-treebeard
  • django-twitter-tag
  • django-typogrify
  • django-version-viewer 
  • django-waffle
  • dj-geocoding
  • dj-pagination
  • docutils
  • easy-thumbnails
  • elasticsearch
  • formbundle
  • geojson
  • google-api-python-client
  • gunicorn
  • hepdata
  • iscapeauth
  • iscapecontact
  • iscapeweb-reqform 
  • jsonpickle
  • mysqlclient
  • newscenter
  • phonenumbers
  • pillow
  • psycopg2
  • psycopg2-binary
  • pur
  • pycrypto
  • pyOpenSSL
  • pysolr
  • python3-memcached
  • python-dateutil
  • python-memcached
  • python-whois
  • py-trello 
  • pytz
  • pyuwsgi
  • regex
  • requests
  • requests-cache
  • safety
  • sentry-sdk
  • site-config
  • six
  • slackclient
  • social-auth-app-django
  • sorl-thumbnail
  • textract
  • urllib3
  • wagtail
  • whoosh

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Please call us at (877) 275-9144 or submit the form above
(for every form submitted, we give a treat to Ruby, our office dog).