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Report design. Data visualization. Accompanying website.

We handle it all for you.

If you have a lot of data you need released,
we can help

Imaginary Landscape specializes in conveying complex and data heavy information to the public.  Our team of designers, layout experts, data scientists and website developers will help you deliver your content to your audience in a readable and understandable way. 

How do we know?  Because we took some of the most difficult content imaginable and created a world-class report and website that went immediately viral (see below).

Please fill out the small form on the right and we will schedule a brief call to see if we can help you.


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Case Study:  Report on Catholic Clergy Chilid Sex Abuse in Illinois 

In 2023, the Illinois Attorney General's Office released the results of its 5-year investigation into child sex abuse by members of the Catholic clergy in Illinois.   Imaginary Landscape was engaged by the Attorney General to design the 696-page report and create an accompanying website.   READ MORE >>