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Chicago website design and Django web developer

Less about clean.  More about purpose.

Website development is a blend of visual appeal and intuitive engineering, brought together to serve a clear business purpose. Of course the design must be clean, crisp and professional.  But, that's the beginning of the process, not the end.  Too much attention is paid to aesthetics and not enough on designing for a purpose.

Our team of talented Chicago website designers and developers create websites that intrigue and, ultimately, engage your audience. 

Because beautiful is important, but new customers pay the bills.             

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Long Scroll with Custom CMS Plug-ins

Multi-pane Design

Modern design trends combine multiple pages into a single page with multiple "panes."

CMS Adapts to the Design (not vice-versa)

Each pane is controlled by a customized CMS plug-in based on the optimal design presentation.

Staff Friendly

Staff just clicks on a pane and updates it within the parameters of the layout (e.g. add a spanning image and place content based on the focal point of the image).

Responsive Presentation


Responsive Design

Your site must seamlessly flow between large screens and small.

Navigation Breakpoint

Notice how the menu changes from horizontal to "hamburger" as the viewport gets smaller.

Search Breakpoint

Notice how the search field disappears leaving just the magnifying icon, easily accessed with the touch of your thumb.

Accessibility Baked In From the Start

Avoid Litigation

Law first are aggressively pursuing businesses that break basic accessibility rules on their website.

Reach your Full Audience

Ever "listened" to your website? Chances are it sounds awful. This is how vision impaired audiences surf.

Ongoing Guidance

We provide your staff with easy tips so that they add content in a way that disabled audiences can access.